"Talk is CHEAP , Show me the CODE!"

About Me

Hello, My name is Puneet Singh

I am a Student at Guru Nanak Dev University,Amritsar. I am currently persuing B.Tech(2018-2022) in Computer Science Branch.

I am an aspiring Web Developer, along with I have hands on experience in Python Prograaming. Also familiar with other languages like C++, Java and C# ASP.net. I am a budding engineer who is eager to learn new concepts and hungry for knowledge about technologies.


  1. Intern at Best Enlist
  2. Intern at Internship Studio
  3. Ninja Entrepreneur at Coding Ninjas
  4. Outreach Manager at JIGSAWMINDZ
  5. Content Writing Co-Lead at GFG-GNDU
  6. Business Development Assosicate at Ninthsem


C++ java


Desktop Assistant

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Implementing a part of Artificial Intelligence, I made a desktop assistant which can take voice input as well as voice output along with opening the softwares which i use the most, crack me a joke, show COVID CASES, tells weather forecast using different APIs and much more....

Sudoku Solver

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Implementing Backtracking Algorithm, I made a Sudoku Solver to showcase real life example of Data Structures and Algorithms . It uses Backtracking Algorithm to solve the Sudoku and give us the solution.

Ecommerce Store

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As a part of Intern at Internship Studio I made a Ecommerce Website using HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP, JAVASCRIPT and JQUERY. This Website was the final task of this Internship. Learned a lot about Web Development in this period.

Landing Page of a Local Gym

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I made a landing page of Local GYMusing HTML, CSS (Less Responsive). This Webpage was a part of my Web Development Learning process. So, Just to test my skills, made this project due to which it is less responsive.

CodeChef Automation using Selenium

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COdechef Automation using SELENIUM is a project which automatically opens CODECHEF website and run a specific code on its compiler. This specific code has to be in same directory

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